Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Outline for the Second Term Paper

I.                   Action/Reaction

II.                Scott Pilgrim

     A.                 Ramona stops Roxy from kicking Scott                                                                    

     B.                 Ramona doesn’t even flinch after kick

III.              Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood Music Video”

     A.                 Beginning, lands on car faster and with more force than she should

     B.                 Still alive, singing after falling into the car

IV.             Sucker Punch

     A.                 Samurai fight scene

     B.                 Baby Doll keeps parrying the Samurai’s weapon and the way the samurai and her interact, it looks like the samurai’s weapon, which should be very heavy, is lighter than it should be

V.                Conclusion

     A.                 All have the same physical error but they all work for the purposes of their film

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